Mediocrity. It’s the worst kind of comfortable. But for you, the rampant mediocrity in today’s customer service and patient experience world can actually work in your favor. Think about it. We’ve become so accustomed to being on the receiving end of mediocre, even sub-par service, that even the simplest of… Read More…
In the recent months, I’ve been on the receiving end of some pretty terrible customer and patient service experiences. Oddly enough, in each case, the person providing the service genuinely thought they were being helpful. First, several weeks ago, I found myself tackling a tricky painting project. Through some research… Read More…
THERE’S A Fundamental Difference between managing a team and leading one. Managers manage tasks. Leaders inspire people. As John Quincy Adams once said, “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more and become more, you are a leader.” Develop The Right Leadership Skills For Your Practice Good leadership skills… Read More…
YOUR PATIENTS’ EXPERIENCE in your office isn’t solely based on what happens in the chair. They form deep and lasting impressions of your practice from the first call to your office and the moment they enter your door! Great Customer Service Makes All The Difference In fact, it is one… Read More…
Ask almost any dentist, or dental team member whom their favorite front desk person is and you will get almost the same answer. The “competent” one – “I love Jill, she really knows insurance” or, “Mary is really good with Dentrix”… I don’t deny for a second that competency is… Read More…