Take Your Patient Experience To The Next Level

added on: December 29, 2016

YOUR PATIENTS’ EXPERIENCE in your office isn’t solely based on what happens in the chair. They form deep and lasting impressions of your practice from the first call to your office and the moment they enter your door!

Great Customer Service Makes All The Difference
In fact, it is one of the only ways to really differentiate your office in the eyes of existing and potential patients. The quality of your team’s customer service is one of the most important factors in how your current and prospective patients’ perceive your business. Whether their first interaction with your practice is on social media, or on the phone when setting up their first appointment, offering second-to-none service goes a long way in turning a new patient visit into a loyal patient for years to come.

Here are a few tips to take your customer service from good to great!

1. Make a Connection First!
Our teams are so focused on providing information and answers, that they often forget to make a connection or build rapport with patients. Teaching your team to be more proactive about connection and less reactive to questions in conversations is a game changer!

2. Sweat the Small Stuff.
Often, it is the little things that patients remember. Did you let the patient pick the color of their toothbrush or retainer case? Did you offer an extra travel toothpaste to your patient who travels a lot for work? Did you offer to call the specialist on their behalf? Did you remember they are off every Wednesday afternoon, or that they watch their grandchildren on Fridays? Showing your patients how much they mean to you is often done in the smalllest ways. Pay attention and sweat the small stuff!

3. Plan for the WOW!
Delivering WOW visits takes planning and attention to detail. Look ahead, make notes and review the opportunities you have to make each patient feel special in your morning huddle!

We’re Here To Serve YOU!
Our goal is to provide you with all of the tools and information you need to grow a successful practice and a healthy business. If you have any questions about how you can take your customer service to the next level, give us a call! Do you have any customer service tips that have been effective in your practice? Let us know in the comments below!

Thank you for reading! We greatly value our clients.

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